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  • Eco Giant

How To Stay Organic

Staying organic is becoming increasingly more important in our modern society. In this post we are going to present 5 things we can all do to either become or stay more organic!

Number 1 - Buy locally

The best way to find local products is to visit your local farmer’s market. If you don’t have a farmer’s market in your area, look for small organic shops around where you live as these usually source local products.

By buying and eating local, consumers are able to enjoy produce that is fresh and nutritious. Many local producers pride themselves on keeping their product organic, hormone free and pesticide free. Not only is this beneficial to the consumer, it’s also beneficial to the environment. Keeping harmful toxins, like pesticides, out of the air helps to improve crops and air quality. In addition, because the produce is fresh and brought directly from farm to table, there is less waste.

Number 2 - Consider starting your own organic garden

One way to reduce the amount of waste you produce (e.g. through plastic bags and other packaging that your organic groceries may come in) is by growing some of your own vegetables. Starting up an organic garden will save you money because you will only have to purchase the basic supplies to start a garden (mainly seeds) and it will give you many great fruits and vegetables that will keep you healthy.

Number 3 - Look for environmentally friendly products

This means making better choices about what you buy, how often and who you buy from, which could help you save money. A product or service has environmental impacts throughout its life cycle from the raw materials and energy used to manufacture or supply it, to the way it is recycled or managed at the end of its life. At Eco Giant we know it is difficult to find eco friendly products so we have dedicated a whole page to providing information on what you should buy and why!

Number 4 - Drive a fuel-efficient car

Or even better, don’t drive at all! If you don’t need to drive very often consider selling your car and signing up for a car sharing program. These programs allow you to use a car in the area whenever you need for a small fee. If you only need to drive once or twice a month this will save you tons on car maintenance fees and insurance, and will also save you the hassle of trying to find somewhere to park your own car.

Number 5 - Make your own meals

While more and more organic restaurants are popping up, you can never be sure where the ingredients on your plate have come from unless you have purchased and prepared them yourself. If you really want to live a completely organic lifestyle, avoid eating out as much as possible.

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